Saturday, June 25, 2011

finding ketchup

Street lights developed a respiratory system prouder then Jamaican cliffs. And Like wood grain on Santa clauses band aid, I was removed. all sockets had been confounded towards fingering a backup signal. The channels answered how many, while fall became a doctors season. To suggest a floor meant that there had been water. And to suggest water intended that the doc was unstable. There was less time to find food in the mountains, so i ordered a number.

Friday, June 24, 2011


because your beauty had the softest of grass. Like two heels, beyond the the kneeling posture. A cow was just without departure. One could slip and fall into your arms. What would all this grass be, all over me? Blue skys that wait for tree's to grow like they are paint for your grandfathers magazines.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I like rubber that should never be classified as to hard or too soft.

I am someone who lives to listen to a paper napkin getting peeled off a chalk board.

Someone who brings sand buckets onto bumper cars.
Someone who has a collection of fish hooks and eats spaghetti onto compact disks.
someone who saw a block of ice melt in the desert while a camel ingested neon from a small town.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


thanks for boiling the kool aid with a t-rex mask and turning a shower into a
square line dance. I see wood grain and its like electrocution, the colors keep
changing. You have a heavy rock and the church doors were drawn with zig zags to
avoid alligators.

Fast food Vomit

When do bowling balls mimic coffee, and at what speed? In comparison to killer
clowns from outer space?

A little bit of irish

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It has been a long time since i had a glass of lemonade that didn't have a ham sandwich being devoured by a snake.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


One time i stuck a beer bottle up my ass. Flew to the airport and dumped a potted plant on a wolf.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wrestling tights

On your side, what's it like living with a spoiled rich kid? music that could
announce cracks in the sidewalk like an unsuccessful sports action. How does
your dads forearm move inside the bathroom with only a tape deck and its plastic
to illuminate the shower? Norman bates had a stair case that incorporated the
potential for paralysis but your rug was soft, white and to be considered
cool. In living color.
I remember when a raft had shown up to protest the quality of junk mail. the
neighbor's dog always barked as i walked to school and would follow me to make
sure that my pencils had not been broken. The gasoline tank was your
neighborhood . Large fonts with the right kind of cover to keep children hooked
like lemonade at that high school dance.
did you answer? well i was waiting in line, and your father figured out a way to
turn the water on. holes punched through the wall and the misery of association.
it was enough for red to exist as that opportunity to slip out of the shower.

Bank Account

i ruined my life because a goft bag found a window that had a ufo. the thanksgiving turkey was made out of golf balls and a relatives carpet could hide that the earth had a temperature.

Monday, June 13, 2011


To the astronaut that once discovered space mountain.

I was in line, feet racing like a formula one car carrying a Greek clothes line.  Living rooms developed spaces for a suntan as children rescued their breath from a party balloon.  I knew what you were going to say at the press conference, yet it wasn't a win nor a loss.  Like telephone poles dancing to keep the vulturces away. The call inside a space helmet, with a waterfall and cave, to replace a pencil. 


without two of every animal and a gun on board, all the villagers look sane.


It can't be moved but only identified. A street sign that apologizes and a car that wasn't good enough to open. At just a wall, where there was cinnamon.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Love, like running along someone. They own something, color and texture. A hot iron to ignore stop signs, the compression of snow, to let go of childrens baloons.

Friday, June 10, 2011

remake voltron

spent 40 mins of the film building the characters.  ultra idealized pride.   make it have something to do with the international space station seeing something.  a emergancy room surgeon for the head.  some kind of female russian statitian- researcher.  some kind of african american engineer.   some kind of arnold(predator) like weapons expert. asian armor expert and harmonics.  end of the world pride.   they have to represent man kind.

have voltron deployed and a perspective over an outdoor hockey rink game.

a scene where a greek or italian is sculping and it breaks because of voltron
the surgeon is saving a gun shot victim with blood coming out of chest
the engineer with some kind of collection
the transition from person would be realistic and not powerranger like
maybe a cameo by spiderman

 if they can make little kids cry with bambi... tears of joy for voltron

 the enemy.... hmm how about a space medusa?  stealing the souls from people . space as scary as elm street. with warships
the command center. michael caine, sigourney weaver, samuel jackson

george lucas ?

A walk through the park

Coffee toffee and gasoline harmonics. This was england, a place where childhood
rollercoasters challenged medusa on the price is right.
Invention as dexterious as a political sign in the wind. One in which lemonade
cried for rain deer antlers. The neighborhood welcomed ufo's and inside bear
caves was a vacation package. It was enough treasure to put pirates on
unemployment as stage lights prevented a hospital from having.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer folage

i really hate sewage drain pipes. and how the hottest of sun can make water shallow. if your walking on mud? and the well documented cracks, loosing disfavor.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Naked theory

The distinction of belief and being, a process towards recognition, and such a process is willful.  Meaning simply an allowance as if an effort towards proportion. Recognition a process and not a method of belief. the act of suggestion, lives and dies with the indeterminateness of belief.  Such a relation towards determinacy, one that necessitates characteristics and virtue, as its simplistic being, such a process of recognizing as a  will full act.  The significance of virtue is a quality of relation and to suggest distinction does not inhibit sensibility, but proports a relation towards indeterminateness.  

Proportion being an image of virtue, one that can adhere towards the sensibility of the intelligible.  Inteligibility of belief, dependent upon a system of relation, and the notions towards intellect act to supplement distinction. As thought towards considering indeterminate virtue.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Railroad bridges and florescent sunglasses.
The snap of a briefcase like opening Christmas presents in a mental institution.

A band shirt wrapped around a tire and replacing a sun dial.
Every railing suffers while the life guard is in reverse.

Being pregnant.

Friday, May 13, 2011

blast from the past

good looks and bumper stickers on the shelf 
if it wasn't for the bowling shoes i might have made the team 
seeing as the dolphins can swim the length of a human 
would it be appropriate for an ostrich to make a sandwich? 
as hungry as i may be 
the lines that can be drawn are regularly black or blue 
you speak from a source where lemons ride in caragges 
and all the answers can be placed upon as toppings. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011


a vacuum cleaner towards the sky
and with that loafs of bread fell onto the eyes of shoelaces

hula hoops danced with sparklers.
as the hallway paid no attention

for refuge there was cause
like bricks being broken inside Margaretta glasses

one family stretched taffy across a room
and everyone was silent.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


the freedom of form, dislocated men at work sign 
red apples on trampolines and bee stung toes 
a suns lasso collects Frisbees like magnetic convolence. 
large sounds answer as paper bags unfold answers without incineration. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

soul singer

tonight i became. 
it wasn't because 
your leg or your hair 
a drunken through which windows had no adolecence, nor the virtue of grandmother 
you spoke before every foot step, that i had taken
and i was blinded by a leash 
at which way, depended on the temperature 
your voice could be heard singing nonsense in my heart 
i hand't stopped to spend enough time and for which i am ugly 
your shadow goes on, through all of time 
beyond vision. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

luck and nationality

The brown temporal ice cube and the withholding of sidewalk curbs without lawn chairs. Could eyes reflect sunshine while new born Children approximate good fortune? such a belief to even suggest representation would have needed a tow. To be there as all the colors of grass withhold on a clock in a laundry mart.  please heed the suggestion. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

towards that brown crusty

the construction helmet and the hand grenades 
lemonade squeezes and unicorns eat at subway. 
the master and the chaperon ask for elastic rainbows 
ceiling high

Saturday, April 23, 2011

complementing concrete

The big wheel that i never had, to pull a swing set with lips set in concrete. 
Staging a birdcage next to the omelet, toppings for free tickets to a Yankee game. 
The ufo brought a circus of movie theater candy, all of which had been previously opened. 
A hard hat and the back street boys in double dragon to elicit some graffiti on park tables. 
There you were in that yellow outfit and i had lost all my ginger. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

you circle

clear, clear. like rain drops to dance ontop of rain forests. with colorations 
that mingle beyond the misfortune of boulevard sidewalks.  The most exasperated 
yawn catches all the mosquitoes as mosques privilege themselves upon happy meal. 

so wrong

the wind and the leaves and a cocker spaniels argument. school 
houses with red brick and disappointment enough to put blue paint into paint 
tubes. My memories are like sharks questioning kisses of the sun. all the men on 
the roof go home early and the sandwiches have just enough ice for 

Friday, April 8, 2011


Breathing towards restraint as the frosting from photographs burned like a childhood globe emanates. There were red shoes all up and down the ladder, each of which held virtue like a Submarine sandwich.  Brown and dexterous, the laces of which curled like telephones in the presence of statuettes.  The collision of hatred spoke over the ambition of several decades of interest.  A key on a piano bounced up and down with no carousel to pay for the number. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

dueling diplomat

the beer mugs were full of broken braches. Twisted and pale soaked in a brine of four leaf clover.  Arms met with emotion while hands  traveled towards the exhaustion of optimism.  Flat surfaces danced among the banners,  as tears held the sight of corporate diarrhea. The remenence of memory formed along a snow fence,  as toilet paper soaked up foot prints.

the swimmer and card player could not pay the bill so they were ordered to do the dishes. The lobby was full of rats and the he-man figure looked into the telescope of his favorite girlfriends mp3 player.  Such decoration could only be found in boxes as the cats soon invaded like television commercials.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Towards the bisexual standard, thwarted with the gestation of swimming pools.
whose vagrant touchdown foot ball wastes time on avalanches towards new dance standards.

The sombrero catalyst and a new language for a family that implicates a red wheel barrow
i showed up for dinner.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The flag of concurrence.

To the process of compromise and the objective of sensibility,


Oh how you were encouraged to be surprised. As a referent none could be surpassed as culture lay vein with the objectivity of normativity. Clearly you were here for that moment yet substantiated because of proponent, the irrefutability clause, given accordant. 

Friday, March 18, 2011


Dear methods of substantial nomenclature,

Emotion a method of protecting the irrefutably of causality. Through the computation of derivative (intellect), trust and association through reason (ability). The emotional field, run by suggestive principle and the dichotomy of reason its emotion. Driving the exponential field towards impertinence, the danger of it's freedom to substantiate. An emotion without the freedom of nomenclature.  This is the point of peace and the dynamic of having an enemy.

my brother nicknamed the wetjob.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Still life

The dolphin gloves.
A prospector with the opinion of action.
Gas pipes with the color of a clown.
As reminiscent in america as Chinese lanterns.
Hands depend upon the staples of a clock, like rain deer paddling on a raft.

Green jello burning on stage as the image of likeness.
The tractor game show, a cold damp life preserver.
The laughing magnet.
Speakers designed to be made out of the shortest hairs.

A tool shed that contains punching bags
Sandy beaches with the opposite effect.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

To the...

To the desire to know.
To be popular though an amplitude of ridicule.
You just have to wait to consider.

All forms end yet proceed with a reluctance towards proclamation.

The will against appearance, a cultural know
The most divergent method
Stealing the waiting line and asking for freedom
Time has no beliefs without certitude
A limited apprehension to waste time
The encouragement of strength can be the biggest fallacy.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Having a cow

Some wipers stay down like young tree's against a merit badge. witnesses actin strength being out formed by consideration. Shadows define vision through whisper, while clouds hang wallpaper over the only civilized road. Kindness has no division, lemonade stands for alien inhabitance. The appearance of balance, our greatest progression. For proclamations only, independence and reason, known only as a scape goat.

The mens store

Boiling sand castles and lemons that lied without Martin Brody.
Flasks insulated stand up for children to spasm towards soft buckets.
Without a wish, power lines anchored towards the earth like bubble wrap in a lions cage.
Honor humiliated chewing gum, as the ocean saturated the church steeple.

The news

The toilet turned limbs like a diesel engine
Water waited for the glitter while bubbles fed starving children
Thick frosting was used on ginger bread
The costars were just tall enough for that micro brew.

Free market

the absorbency of flags
erasers on pencils chasing the length of dog hair
two magnets separate lcd from lsd
the ego swimming with inflatable crocodiles
steve irwins child, gifted for moon light motel surgery.
spanish tiles erected on top of circus tents.

collecting rain of wisdom
urine from duchamps ambivalence.

You knew that it was not safe to piss in the subway
standing like goya for all eternity.
the inflation of color

two magnets
one of wish tells the story for the others content.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


The golden locks, stable and unlike piano keys, made to dangle. The chair was not Russian but still enough for apples to keep from loitering. Long tubes of fresh air, whose surface and color were a mystery behind a horses tracks. The binoculars bought a night as black as spandex.  While the floor boards purchased a shoe factory for encouragement.  If she could have decided between cherry or blue berry. All over the floor and long enough to put cursive in detention, school age jeans never discovered a cherry bomb with someones head in it.  Santa claus should be replaced by steps, to see. No fear, the greatest antagonist. 
Signed wooden panel car 


The marker was poison for the lips, yet the objectivity of finger tips had nothing on file for the sky to over commit. Like oranges wrestling with empty elbows at a lunch table, too young to even provide a nature towards finger pointing. Broken floors of childrens toys, colors that suggested empty eyes with waves that challenged a boat. The personality driven ruthless and abandoned, whose honesty STOP...  crossing the tracks.  Long rhythmic collisions proclaimed a selfless understanding. The space was occupied and for nothing else.  Move on 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cool. Refurbished. iPad deletion edition

There wasn't a space for an experiment in my life, i go back to the charcoal
frizbee. You put up a fence with love and hate but the characterization of will
and motion towards belief has always been through determency. The idea of an
emotional strategy to haharm and a will to succeed has no business introduced as the rights of characterization and determency. What voice was lost? The one that could only consider the emotional stop gaps. Cause and effect through the normative field and cultural representation, emtion at that time necessitated abuse because of emotion. Yet it prolonged well before the litigation of honesty, to the point where association was humored towards effect. So determinacy became my identity as only interested in negative effect.

Just the relationship, could not persuade a merit not worth suggesting that it was a negative effect. That is how you destroy someone's family, try and share your happiness to the point where they think it wasn't so great and find a way to find joy in their more conflicting disposition.  . So if Jess wad a conflicting disposition at this stange it seems intentional. And how ever we boil the peanuts, so where was that tradition to wash the elephant with out having to wear a basket?  One consumptive act, so ever strongly considered through the miss appropriation of non substantial time.

That whole intelligent act, people will convince themselfs and you
can deal with the repitition of willful acts of ignorant contrived supusition. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

matlock at fort niagara

so i never took my beer into the bathroom but made it into your shower. Forced 
to dress up in a bathing suit because of questionable concerns about my culture. 
My hair is totally being sabotaged because culturally there would never have 
been a reason to not seek separation. So i already had everyone know and it 
became someones sense of progress, behavior to be least concerned. 
It is incredible how close i am to that childhood sense. Things could have 
actually been a challenge towards your intelligence without the presence of non 
reluctant agony. 
I spent a few extremely contrived and deceptive moments in the dentist chair. I 
never should have reflected upon how much beauty i have given up. This certainly 
shouldn't be a quality of friendship and i blame adults for the inability to 
consider the relationship as a sense of knowledge rather then a will. 
So I bought a ton of books and i want to buy a saxophone. if i get a "second 
chance" .. it should have been because it was more intelligent to not exist as a 
unit of senses. I have been there before. and to insult you was actually my 
complement. it wasn't because i was in love. it was because you knew everything 
about how i could be me. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

the math

I should have been the one giving out gift cards for advice, like burning tires in order to grow tree's from smoke.
The station poisoned the air temperature from its next day.
You listened to the jackal faced, with a toy chest the map was in a flooded basement.
It was no adventure and your fire extinguisher excites lines on my face like window blinds against a forest fire.
tell your friends to be so lucky.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Just a few days.
You were there to "reason".
You found joy in being virtuous.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Your technology could suggest desire. it could instruct absence.
The memory's never lived and honesty found us with out the ability to prepare.
Ordered to be, comes at no compromise and your strength simply a novelty.
It took a lot to make things matter. You were unable to afford a whole heck of a lot.
I don't associate with you because your indecency has caused dishonesty.
You take pride in dishonoring that nature, so keep on pretending that you haven't told me to give up.

The association would have been, had it been, not for me.

Real important, regardless of meaning. so at least considered.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Doom and gloom (non objective addition)

The competition absorbed hatred
If I and I will became humorous misunderstanding
the term apologist was coined to insinuate an ambition towards negative effort
Suggestion was imported for this very reason
I was missing the ability to afford these qualities
It will be quite the defense
Trying to string together the memory so that people do not need to remind me.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The genius

Your not safe from me
I am listening to the laughter
Your family hates you
Your best girlfriend was not capable of valentines day


ps.  ( genius   )

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It broke my handcuffs. 
Your leafs turned from orange to yellow.
The object was sold to be opened 
The root beer gave a recipe without judgement 
Lemon lime ponds and stripes that died 
Your ladder wrote a tall tale 
Your clothing missed my families argument 
For pain, there were not enough glass bottles to collect 
The sun never moved towards a vacation 
It was just you with my favorite color 
And i figured

Sunday, January 30, 2011


green cabbage- sliced small
onions- two big ones
celery- a few stalks
caned tomatoes. 
sause- jar
peperika- teaspoon
elbow noodles
salt and pepper
grated Parmesan

 also consider using italian sausage with the beef

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gold media

Yellow aggravated fists of rain like palm tree's without thoroughfare.  Aggression escaped in front of the sky with clouds of smoke lamenting anticipation.  Traced to a halt, the desire to dance opened up fruit stands with church isles. 

Your famous

A bunch of muddy cluck cluck boots
People doing stand up on life rafts
There was no water and he was made of mud
Sliced like a turkey, the passengers were told of the exit sign
The recording should have been daunting
You should have needed the attraction

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The big guy

The clothes are straight off the line.
The animal is wide enough to fit a car. 
The thumb tacks make Nazi speakers dissolve.
The friend list, A bunch of cynical terrorists.
Help is a radiant vision of laughter parting the seams of a 
broken ladder. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The slide burped a cooler that antiquated footsteps.  Grown arms traveled like wasted space before shelter.  The picnic table was removed for a blanket fort,  a collection of potato chip bags lubricated family members.  The ingredients of outer space planted razor sharp chains of light. The spirit of man, demolished over carrying an umbrella.