Saturday, June 25, 2011

finding ketchup

Street lights developed a respiratory system prouder then Jamaican cliffs. And Like wood grain on Santa clauses band aid, I was removed. all sockets had been confounded towards fingering a backup signal. The channels answered how many, while fall became a doctors season. To suggest a floor meant that there had been water. And to suggest water intended that the doc was unstable. There was less time to find food in the mountains, so i ordered a number.

Friday, June 24, 2011


because your beauty had the softest of grass. Like two heels, beyond the the kneeling posture. A cow was just without departure. One could slip and fall into your arms. What would all this grass be, all over me? Blue skys that wait for tree's to grow like they are paint for your grandfathers magazines.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I like rubber that should never be classified as to hard or too soft.

I am someone who lives to listen to a paper napkin getting peeled off a chalk board.

Someone who brings sand buckets onto bumper cars.
Someone who has a collection of fish hooks and eats spaghetti onto compact disks.
someone who saw a block of ice melt in the desert while a camel ingested neon from a small town.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


thanks for boiling the kool aid with a t-rex mask and turning a shower into a
square line dance. I see wood grain and its like electrocution, the colors keep
changing. You have a heavy rock and the church doors were drawn with zig zags to
avoid alligators.

Fast food Vomit

When do bowling balls mimic coffee, and at what speed? In comparison to killer
clowns from outer space?

A little bit of irish

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It has been a long time since i had a glass of lemonade that didn't have a ham sandwich being devoured by a snake.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


One time i stuck a beer bottle up my ass. Flew to the airport and dumped a potted plant on a wolf.